Google Apps for Education (GAFE)

Benefits for Our Schools

Inspire collaboration Students work together in real time in Google Docs (and Sheets, Slides and Sites) to complete that group project - in class and at home

Manage with ease Administrators can set user permissions for accounts from any web browser

Keep data secure Educators can configure dozens of critical security settings & features

Stay connected anywhere Students, faculty and staff can work together anytime, from any device. With offline apps, they can keep working even without the internet

And get it for free Schools get Google Apps 100% free and Gmail doesn’t include ads

How it works

Check out these videos to get a closer look at Google Apps for Education and see how classrooms around the world are using it.

Ready to get started?

Signing in to Chrome brings your bookmarks, history, and settings to all of your devices. Just go to the Wrench menu and select "Sign in to Chrome."