Election 2017 Candidate Profiles

Each Trustee candidate had an opportunity to answer the following questions: 

  1. What positive, student-centered ideas do you have for moving Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools forward in its vision of student success in the next four years?
  2. What do you feel are the most important qualities you bring to the role of school trustee?
  3. What other information do you want people to know about you?

Trustee responses have been included in their individual profiles along with a photograph.

View each candidate:

City of Wetaskiwin


HOGG, Donna

JOHNSON, Barb  (Incumbent)


RULE, Amanda

Division 1


VAN OS, Arnold

WARE, Lynn (Incumbent)

Division 2

GURSKY, David  (Acclaimed)

Division 3

WILSON, Stephanie (Acclaimed)

Division 4

BECKER, Karen   (Acclaimed)

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