Division 1 - Cynthia McLachlan

What positive, student-centered ideas do you have for moving Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools forward in its vision of student success in the next four years?

Focusing on positive behavior to get positive results for everything that is positive in the adult world from perfect attendance to work handed in early, or on time to above average grades. Volunteering in the school communities of arts, drama, sports, year books, helping other students with reading etc. Make it a part of required of education.  Pair younger kids with older kids where possible for minor things to get major accomplishments.  Build a community that works together by keeping active.

What do you feel are the most important qualities you bring to the role of school trustee?

I bring some wisdom of the school system as I have been involved with Parent advisory committee for a number of years as well as experience with various boards, special projects and committees and have an ability to get things done. I have a passion for learning and perhaps an unrealistic idea that all people want to be the best they can be whether it is as a student, teacher, parent, board member. I will bring a listening ear to the public and a voice to the board keeping in mind the welfare of all students.  Every student deserves the best start in life that they are willing to get. The school system needs to continue to provide as well as possibly implement more or different tools to do that.

What other information do you want people to know about you?

I have 2 kids almost through school now so have some experience to draw on! I look forward to sharing your voice!



Cynthia McLachlan