WARE, Lynn

Division1 - Lynn Ware


What positive, student-centered ideas do you have for moving Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools forward in its vision of student success in the next four years?

I believe every decision the Board of Trustees makes must be student centered.  My vision for our students is that we have only excellent, progressive, and passionate teachers in front of them because teachers create successful environments, in which our children spend their prime hours every day. In order to accomplish this, it is imperative that trustees support our teachers and promote extra support in the classrooms.

What do you feel are the most important qualities you bring to the role of school trustee?

I have experience, persistence and patience around the board table.  I enjoy learning and am passionate about every issue we discuss.

What other information do you want people to know about you?

I had gotten involved with Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools five years ago during the school closure debates and decided since I have four children in public school that I needed to stay involved.  I ran for trustee that next year and have received invaluable education over the last four years.  It has been my pleasure to participate in democracy and look forward to continuing to grow and learn over the next four years as your school board trustee in Division 1.

Lynn Ware 
(780) 352-9619
email: lynn.ware@wrps11.ca