Winfield School would like to congratulate all of their students for their dedication and hard work to improve their individual mathematical understandings!
Winfield is a small K-6 school. There are 60 students in grades 1-6. These students have been working diligently all year to improve their mathematical knowledge by using Mathletics.
Mathletics is an online math tutorial program that blends “intrinsic and extrinsic motivations and rewards, and using best-practice theories of gamified learning, Mathletics keeps students engaged with math. With fresh activities, challenges and regularly updated content, Mathletics always has something new to learn and fun to do.” (from https://www.mathletics.com/ca/)
Mathletics is aligned with Alberta Education’s Mathematics curriculum and helps to supplement the lessons students receive from their classroom teachers. Students are able to practice and improve their skills. Implementing Mathletics aligns with the Board's priority to "assess and address the disruptions and barriers to student learning".
Students complete activities and gain points for the number of correct answers. If they achieve 1000 points in a week, they are rewarded with a bronze certificate. Five bronze certificates become a silver certificate and four silver certificates become a gold. In total, the students of Winfield achieved 327 bronze, 53 Silver and 3 Gold certificates!
The sixty Gr. 1-6 students averaged 94 activities per student over the course of the year. Thirty-four percent of these activities were done voluntarily without activities being assigned by the teacher.
On average, students saw a 20.67% improvement from their first activity to their most recent one.
Congratulations to these students for all their wonderful achievements!
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