We are so fortunate at Parkdale School to have a fantastic group of students. They are always willing to help out and pitch in whenever there is a need at the school. We are excited to be bringing cultural programming back into the school. We have started with drumming for students in grades 5 to 8. The response was so overwhelmingly positive with the students, we are also going to be adding a day for grades 3 and 4.
When our drumming instructor Peter Bonaise arrives at the school, and we announce to the drummers that it is time to come for their lesson, we have twenty to thirty students that quickly make their way to the classroom. The best part of this is the smiles on their faces, and the feeling of excitement as they enter the classroom. Hearing the rhythm on the drum within our school has brought us back to a feeling of normality, and that we as a Parkdale Community are one again.
We are also in the process of getting ready to start beading groups with our students. Beading will occur at lunch time on designated days for the students, and signing up will begin this week. We will be getting the necessary supplies and start beading within the next week.
We are also celebrating the fact that we have been able to start cross grade groupings inside the school, and have full school assemblies. Welcoming our families in for Parent Teacher Interviews was definitely a highlight as we had the chance to reconnect, laugh and share stories. We are so fortunate to have our students and our families.
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