Once again Griffiths-Scott School's grade 8 class was honoured to join the local Millet Legion for the "No Stone Left Alone" project. This is always an incredible learning opportunity for our Griffins!
Thank you to Steve and Tracey Bredlow for donating the bus and their time to transport students to the Millet cemetery on November 8.
Griffiths-Scott School values their partnerships with the community of Millet. The Legion members willingly gave their time to help students understand the significance of Remembrance Day as they placed poppies on the graves of local veterans. Thank you to the Millet Museum for preparing materials about the veterans to help our students learn more about the people they are honouring and the sacrifices they made.
A small town school is part of a larger community. Griffiths-Scott School is happy to expand their students’ learning beyond the walls of the school and out into our community of Millet! Thank you to the Millet Legion for all of their support.
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