The Griffins Boys’ Basketball team recently won the second league banner of the year for Griffiths-Scott!
The Griffins were undefeated in their Leduc District Athletic Association league play and playoffs. They completed the season at home with a gym full of cheering fans when they won in the gold medal game against Father Leduc School.
This team were fantastic representatives of our school on and off the court. They focused on teamwork, sportsmanship and worked hard to develop their skills all season long. Thank you to our volunteer coach, Shaylea, and Ms. Penman for all of their hard work with the team.
A special congratulations to eight of the boys who were also members of the Griffins Volleyball team. They won the LDAA Volleyball banner in the fall. Thank you to both teams for an amazing year of athletic accomplishments at Griffiths-Scott!
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