In alignment with our board's fourth priority, “Encourage and celebrate active citizenship in our school communities”, Alder Flats Elementary School has students engaging in citizenship opportunities.
For over 30 years their Grade six class took the lead to run a “Penny Carnival” at the end of October. It provides the opportunity for all of our younger students to play a variety of games in the gym. Each game is created by teams of students from the grade 6 class. Students donate money to play games, while winning a little candy at the same time. This year the proceeds from their carnival went to STARS in Edmonton. Their school raised $ 348.00 this school year.
Their Grade 3/4 class wrote letters to our Canadian Armed Forces to arrive by Christmas. Students wished them a happy holiday, as many of those who serve would not be with their loved ones for Christmas. Students also showed appreciation by thanking them for their service.
Their school ran a competition for two weeks in December to collect donations for Santa’s Anonymous. The students had fun while donating to a worthwhile cause.
Their division two students walked to Seely’s General Store to sing. They wanted to spread a little ‘Christmas Cheer’ within their local community and thank them for their support.