Winfield School Introduces Chrome Books in the Classroom

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Winfield Elementary School, like most schools across Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools, has ventured into the world of Chromebooks. While students have used computers in the school for years, the Chromebook- a lightweight, portable technology similar in some ways to a laptop- allows students to more conveniently access the digital realm from their desks.

At Winfield School, teachers at all grade levels are introducing the use of Chromebooks to their students, beginning with care for the machines and then moving into familiar basics such as word processing, assignment creation, and Internet access. Using Google Apps for Education, students may eventually collaborate on projects together, each adding their contribution to a group project from separate Chromebooks.

Student engagement is currently very high with the introduction of the Chromebooks, and the teachers are well aware that it is essential that students are using the devices to enhance their education. By introducing the Chromebook to their classroom lessons, teachers are helping students learn and master the skills necessary as they move forward with their education.

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