Wetaskiwin Composite High School Lends a Hand

Once again, the students of WCHS stepped up when they heard of a Wetaskiwin family in need.  On April 30th, one of our families lost their home during a grass fire.  When the students heard of the disaster, they knew something needed to be done.

Working with staff, the students organized a first response to the fire by identifying the school as a drop off point for cash donations and gift cards.  A communication plan was initiated, and within moments, the entire WCHS school community was aware of the need and how to help.  By the end of the next school day, the school presented approximately $1500 in cash and gift certificates to the family so that they could begin to recover from the disaster.

The staff and students decided to sponsor a barbeque to continue with the fundraising.  On Friday, May 8th, huge, delicious burgers were on the grill.  With teachers working non-stop for the extended lunch period, everyone received hot, juicy burgers donated by the Camrose Canadian Brewhouse in conjunction with Good to Gourmet.  Potato chips were donated by the Triple Creek Golf Course and drinks were donated by WCHS.  The lunch barbeque raised $3186, all of which was given to the family.

The concern and efforts made by WCHS is a clear example of the nature of our students.  They are wonderful people, caring neighbors and responsible citizens.

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