WCHS Senior Girls’ Basketball Team “Scores Big” with Harlem Globetrotters

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Harlem Globetrotter

On Saturday, March 8, 2014, Lana Ilg, teacher and coach at Wetaskiwin Composite High School, took her girls’ basketball team on a trip they’d never forget. The team was informed that they would be going to Edmonton for an end-of-season celebratory supper, and a little surprise would be presented at the end. Little did the girls know, they would be given the opportunity to watch the Harlem Globetrotters play live at the Northlands Edmonton Expo Centre.

Moreover, the girls were in store for an even bigger surprise – not only would they see the Globetrotters play, but Mrs. Ilg had made arrangements for the girls to meet the Globetrotters personally and get a chance to play with them on the court. “The girls had a blast, as they were able to shoot, dribble and practice some basketball tricks with the team just before the game started,” says Mrs. Ilg.

Michaela Barkwell, one of the team members, said, “This was a cool experience! We got the chance to bond as a team and play basketball in a non-competitive environment.” Another player, Chantelle Gamez, commented, “We were told we might get a chance to play a college team – that made us nervous and excited! Little did we know, we would be playing with the Globetrotters!” When asked, what the take-away was from this experience, Gomez replied, “Have fun and enjoy yourself!”

Mrs. Ilg had planned this  activity months ago for the girls, just before they headed into the most crucial part of the season - zone playoffs. “I wanted the girls to be relaxed and have some team time to be ready for the most intense part of our year.  We had two main goals all season: win zones and go to provincials. We succeeded at both! The girls worked so hard all season long; they needed to have some fun before we got down to business,” says Mrs. Ilg.

Good advice, considering the senior girls’ team ended up advancing to Provincials placing fifth after a long hard season of 3A Basketball. Well done, Sabres!

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