Tower Gardens at Centennial School

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Thanks to the fundraising efforts of Centennial School Parent Council, generous donations from Fortis Alberta and Connoco-Phillips amounting to over $3500 were received, thus helping Centennial School be GREEN with vegetation all winter!    Kindergarten and Grade 1 & 2 classes have taken ownership and care of Tower Gardens situated around the school.

The Grade 2’s have been growing food in their Tower Garden.  First, they put seeds in a wool rock. Then they placed it near the window to get maximum sunlight, and made sure to give it plenty of water.  Once the plants grew, they put them into the tower garden.  They made sure the plants had air, nutrients and light.  When the plants grew bigger they were able to eat  a salad of kale, cucumbers, peas and tomatoes.

The Grade 2’s since found out that they love kale!  They make Kale chips at least once a month.  They have also had salads and tiny tomatoes several times.  Grade 2 teacher, Mrs. Wiebe, tries to involve the students as much as possible: “I had them help to put the tiny seeds into the holes of the rock wool and cut up the kale leaves. They get to pick the tomatoes when they are ready to eat.”

Mrs. Wiebe demonstrated how this fits into and relates to the Grade 2 curriculum in Language Arts and in Health:  Recognize the importance of basic healthy, nutritional choices to well-being of self (students are connecting with one another, they’re making nutritious choices, they’re trying new healthy foods); and Exploring different ways to know, or to come to know, new things (seeing how the plants grow, touching and smelling the different plants, etc.).  Mrs. Wiebe states that there are also Science links: Needs of plants and animals  and the senses to name a few.  

All students have thoroughly enjoyed watching the plants grow!  The lights and fountain inside each tower provides a calming presence in the classrooms.  I have heard kids say things like “When are we going to have kale chips again? I love kale chips!” And “I didn’t know seeds started out this small!”.

It has been a wonderful learning experience for all at Centennial School!

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