“Roots of Empathy educates both the mind and the heart”
This year both Grade 3 classes are having the program delivered by Ms. Linda Graham, FSLW who has taught Roots of Empathy in three schools since it’s inception in our school district. Roots of Empathy is an evidence based classroom program that has shown significant effect in reducing levels of aggression among school children while raising social/emotional competence and increasing empathy. Roots helps develop a culture of caring that changes the tone of the classroom. Children identify and reflect on their own feelings and the feelings of others (empathy).
Roots of Empathy was delivered to 600,000 children 2013-2014 in Europe, USA, New Zealand as well as Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales. Mary Gordon the Founder states that “We measure what we treasure.”
I am thrilled to be teaching to both classes. Our students are definitely engaged and delighted by their respective baby boys who at 5 months are our “youngest teachers.” Family/Baby Visits are eagerly anticipated and very much enjoyed by all. There is a sense of connectedness, affection and caring as the students observe and experience the growth and milestones of our two amazing little guys, Simon and Gage. They are fast becoming celebrities with many of our students who stop to visit us on our way to class or follow their progress on the Roots of Empathy Bulletin Board.
Roots of Empathy’s mission is to build caring, peaceful civil societies through the development of empathy in children and adults. At Clear Vista, Roots of Empathy is helping us to achieve this in our school.