Province Announces Modernization Project for WCHS

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Honorable Verlyn Olsen MLA Wetaskiwin-Camrose, Audrey Looker WCHS Principal, Tabitha Wallace, Student Council, Barb Johnson, WRPS Vice-Chair, Deanna Specht, WRPS Board Chair.

On Monday January 27th, 2014 the Honorable Verlyn Olsen, MLA for Wetaskiwin-Camrose announced that the provincial government Building Alberta Plan is investing in several modernization projects across the province one of which will be the Wetaskiwin Composite High School.

 The announcement included details that would involve upgrades to the mechanical and electrical systems including air handlers and water systems, exterior including roofing and interior including ceiling finishes.  The Interior of the school will be modified to make better use of space and better meet specialized programming needs such as Career and Technology Centers.

"I am very pleased that Wetaskiwin High School is included in the modernization initiative. Making the best use of existing space and investing wisely ensures our Wetaskiwin and area students benefit from having the most modern, up-to-date facility possible." --   Verlyn Olson, MLA

The Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools 2014-2017 Capital Plan has identified the following upgrades as priorities for the Wetaskiwin Composite High School; metal roof installations, mechanical upgrades, electrical upgrades as well as Career and Technology Study (CTS) upgrades. 

“It is the Board’s vision to have fully modernized facilities that optimize the capability to accommodate students and educational programs to meet student needs.  The modernization of Wetaskiwin Composite High School is one step towards achieving our vision” - Board Chair Deanna Specht.

WCHS Modernization News Release

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