Pulchritudinous, coquina, emesis, resplendent….On Friday, March 28th all students of Pipestone School participated in a Vocabulary Parade. Students were requested to use their sleuthing skills to come up with an exciting and perhaps unusual word to share with their school mates.
Grades three through six students were asked to provide a definition, spelling and use of the word correctly in a “SPECTACULAR , SUPER SENTENCE” as they paraded their word through each classroom. Students were asked to create a simple and inexpensive costume that would help bring their word to life.
ECS students participated in the parade by taking on the letters of the alphabet. They wore letter vests and fashioned posters with images of items that start with their letter. Students in grades one and two illustrated compound words. In pairs, the students made large foldable posters that showed the two root words and when opened, had the word’s definition and an image of that word.
Students, staff and parents were thrilled to see the enthusiasm of all students as they shared their words and learned new words from others. This was a fun and educational activity at Pipestone School. To see more costumes checkout the photo gallery on the Pipestone School website, www.pipestoneschool.ca.
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