Mrs. Holtby’s grade two and three class at Pipestone School used a delicious item as a writing prompt for their stories titled, “Warm Winter Wishes.”
The students enjoyed hot chocolate and were asked to think of descriptive words to tell about their best cup of hot chocolate. They were also asked to think of when the best time is to drink the smooth, creamy and chocolaty bit of heaven. Many boys and girls wrote about coming inside after skating or a hockey game to drink their hot chocolate.
An amazing display of creative writing was demonstrated by the students. One girl wrote, “I like creamy whipped cream, squishy marshmallows, colorful sprinkles and a little bit of cinnamon. I drizzle sweet chocolate sauce on the foamy cream. The sound of slurping means it’s awesome!”
All of the students enjoyed their hot chocolate and found this treat a tremendous inspiration for their writing.