Pigeon Lake Regional School Hosts Student Leadership Conference

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The script, below was written by a grade twelve PLRS student who set the scene and the tone for the Student Leadership Initiative Conference that took place on April 4th, 2014.  This year the Pigeon Lake Regional School, had the honor of hosting the 3rd annual SLIC conference.  The day was filled with student led “thinking-outside-the-box” themed activities and fitness and nutrition breaks.  The day finished with Mr. Jerry Saddleback Jr.’s powerful presentation about the importance of being an open and well-balanced leader.  Subsequently, after Mr. Saddleback’s inspiring hoop dance performance, we bid our 300 guests from the neighboring schools of Wetaskiwin Regional Public School division goodbye with fond wishes of continued outside-the-box thinking.

A box sits in the middle of the stage with a sign that reads, “Do Not Enter”.

Gus: Naw. I’m telling you guys. I’m not scared of anything. Others roll their eyes. Seriously, nothing can scare me, I’ve been like that forever.

Tash: Whooa! Wait. This box wasn’t here before, was it?

Julie: I don’ think so.  Let’s open it!

Gus:  I don’t know . . . it says do not open.  We probably shouldn’t . . .

Julie:  Well, what do you think it is then? Wait. I know! It’s a fridge.

Gus: What the heck would a fridge be doing in the middle of the gym?? Ohhh!!!!  Maybe, it’s the new gym matts Hetlinger has been waiting for.

Tash: But we literally just got new gym matts . . . like a week ago.   I know cause we just started doing gymnastics. Soooo then maybe it’s a new podium.   

Julie: But at the assembly yesterday the podium we had looked fine.  I don’t think we would be getting a new one.  OMG!  Hold on, what if its new grad dresses donated for the prop room!!!!

Gus: Seriously. Yeah, cause you need that big of a box to stuff grad dresses into . . . Okay! James groans.  I give up!  I’m opening it!

Mysterious Voice: Instead of being so worried about what’s inside of the box.  Try thinking . . . outside of box!!!

The Mysterious Voice speaker then pops out of the box and throws confetti.  James screams like crazy. Jane and Janet help speaker out of the box.

All actors speak all at once: Welcome to SLIC 2014: Thinking Outside The Box!!

Thank you to the student leaders for their hard work in planning, organizing, setting-up, implementing and cleaning up after such an amazing day of learning, as well as the PLRS TV and photography team for capturing key memories.

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