In the time of a Global Pandemic, we know that having connections with others is difficult. To help our students connect with others, we have created connection opportunities for our students with people outside of their classroom through literacy.
A number of our classes spent time this last week making Christmas cards and thank you cards to the First Responders in Wetaskiwin. Students wanted to show their appreciation for all of the First Responders' hard work during the pandemic and spread good cheer at this time. The cards were delivered to the Wetaskiwin Hospital, the RCMP, and the Wetaskiwin Fire Stations on Friday, December 11th. The students and staff were very excited to do this project and show their appreciation.
We are also doing pen pals within the school. The classes have partnered with another class and they write to one another. In a year where we can not all meet and celebrate together, this is a way that we can connect and feel like a school community.
“The grade three class started writing letters to the grade 6 class in our school. The kids were very excited to receive their first letter. They read it and wanted to write back immediately. We answered their questions and they were very excited to ask their pen pal questions to try and find out more about them. As soon as the letters were sent to the other class they kept asking me if their pen pals had written back. It is so nice to see how excited the kids are with this.” said Ms. Goodrich, the grade three teacher at Parkdale.
Some of the staff have also taken to writing letters to some of the seniors in our community. Mrs. Kennedy sent and received four letters with her pen pal. Mrs. Kennedy enjoyed this communication with her pen pal and the sharing of information past and present. She intends to visit her pen pal once COVID is over, and is thankful for the opportunity to have this chance to connect with someone.
In trying to connect with others both in the school and in the community we are working on improving, not only our literacy skills, but also our connections with others.
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