On the afternoon of Friday, December 11, the Griffins enjoyed a new school-wide Christmas event at Griffiths Scott School!
Every class watched the movie The Polar Express in their classroom. The movie was great especially when the milk and cookie snacks were delivered by the school staff!
Thank you to our GSS Parent Advisory Committee for organizing and purchasing individually wrapped, freshly baked cookies, and milk cartons for all of our students. It was a perfectly cozy afternoon for a Christmas movie, cookies and milk!
Even though we are unable to have some of our annual Christmas events we are finding ways to enjoy Christmas 2020 activities in a safe way at GSS. We had an exciting school-wide Christmas Bingo game this week through a Google Meet, in which our grade 7 and 8 students learning from home were able to join us! We are also enjoying daily Christmas storytime each morning online. Thank you to our teachers for sharing some of their favourite Christmas stories with all of us.
From the students, staff and families of GSS, we wish everyone a Merry Christmas!