Millet School Reads and Remembers

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Millet School students, families and staff participated in a special project called Read and Remember during the month of September.  This project was in honour of our dear teacher, colleague and friend, Mrs. Sharon Saunders, who passed away December 26, 2013.  Mrs. Saunders taught Kindergarten at Millet School for over 20 years and holds a special place in many people’s hearts.

Mrs. Saunders loved children’s books and incorporated good children’s literature into her teaching, helping her students develop an appreciation for books.  The Read and Remember project was a way to remember Mrs. Saunders, her love of good books and reading. 

Students, their families, and staff members donated a variety of new children’s books throughout the month of September.  A special sticker, with the donor’s family name,  has been placed in each book that was given in honour of Mrs. Saunders.  The books will be placed in the Millet School library. 

Millet School would like to thank all the families who donated books and we are happy to announce that we collected 70 books during our month of Read and Remember. We will enjoy the books as they are shared by students, families and staff members for many years. Most importantly we will all remember Mrs. Saunders each time we read one of our new special books! 

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