Millet School Celebrates Christmas

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The spirit of Christmas filled the halls and gym at Millet School this week!  On Wednesday, December 14 the students joined GSMS students for a delicious turkey dinner sponsored by the Millet School Advisory Committee and the Griffiths-Scott Parent Advisory Committee.  It was an amazing sight to see over 300 students and staff sharing a meal.  The Kindergarten students had some extra help from their Grade 9 buddies who carried their plates and helped them get seated! 

The students gave outstanding performances at the 2016 edition of the Christmas Concert! We know that there have been over 80 years of Christmas concerts at Millet School and this year the tradition was upheld as we celebrated Christmas Memories on Thursday, December 15. Each class showed their musical talents in a mixture of traditional and upbeat songs and dance moves.  We are so proud of our students and a big thank you to the staff that always come up with a great show! The Millet School Christmas concert is always well attended and appreciated by the community.

Our Annual Christmas Giving project was a huge success!  This year we decided to “give back” to Hope Mission for everything they do to support our schools.  We collected juice boxes, granola bars and over $800 in cash donations for Hope Mission in Wetaskiwin.  We want to say a big thank you to our Millet School Advisory Committee for their “Front of the House” draw that contributed to our cash donation.  The lucky winners of the draw had the best seats in the house at the Thursday evening concert! Our Christmas Giving project helps our students understand the importance of giving to others.  Thank you to the community of Millet for their generous support!

Merry Christmas from Millet School students and staff! Enjoy the holiday season with family.

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