Millet School and PAX/Good Behavior Game

Have you ever heard of the terms PAX and SPLEEMS?

What do you think happens when an adult plays a note or two on a harmonica in a Millet School classroom?

What is the Good Behavior Game?

What if your child told you she got to choose from Granny’s Wacky Prize Bag?

For all of the questions, the answers lie in Millet School proudly involved in its first year of implementing PAX: The Good Behavior Game! There are 30 schools in Alberta participating in a research study that will be examining the benefits of using PAX for students and Millet School is one of those thirty schools. PAX provides reliable, simple to use, classroom strategies that help all students pay better attention, stay focused, and cooperate more with others. All teacher assistants and teachers received training on using PAX in the classroom on a PD day in the fall of 2014.

This four year research project led by the University of Alberta along with several partners including Alberta Health Services is based on research and practice over the past three decades to: 1) help students be better at regulating their emotions and attention span; 2) make school better places for learning while promoting peace and harmony; and 3) make classrooms more productive for Best Learning! PAX aims for peace, productivity, health, and happiness! Previous studies have shown positive results in the classrooms shortly after PAX is introduced and lifelong results that make a positive difference in the lives of the students.

Through our participation in this research study, Millet School will also be offering Triple P Parenting which is a system of supports for parents and families and is in use across Canada and in numerous countries. Two staff members have received training for Triple P programming and Millet School has hosted two parent workshops with more on the way. If you have any questions about this terrific research based programming at Millet School please call 780-387=4696 or email Millet School Principal Kevin Gibson at

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