Hold and Secure Protocol

Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools was notified by the RCMP at approximately 8:50 AM on Thursday January 25, 2018 to direct our School's located within the City of Wetaskiwin, Millet, Falun, Pigeon Lake and Lakedell to enact the Hold and Secure emergency protocol.  

The Hold and Secure Protocol includes:

  1. Classroom activities continue.
  2. The school building is secured by locking all exterior doors,
  3. We take attendance to ensure all students and staff is accounted for and safely in a classroom under the supervision of an adult staff member.
  4. Movement within the school is allowed, and students should return to their homeroom.
  5. We Stay away from all exterior windows and doors (close blinds).
  6. Any classes on school grounds (outside) are to return into the school immediately.
  7. Any classes on fieldtrips will be contacted with alternate directions.
  8. We wait for instructions from incident commander (admin).

As the safety of the students and staff at our school sites is our primary concern, school administration secured the buildings and ensured students and staff were accounted for.

We received an “all clear” call from the RCMP and lifted the Hold and Secure at 9:20 AM. 

Rest assured that all actions were based on the priority of ensuring the safety of the students and staff.


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