Gwynne School Spirit club consists of 10 students from grades 5-9. This small group of students has been able to complete some great things to benefit the school and our community.
Throughout the year they have participated in a variety of leadership opportunities. After attending “We Day” students have been planning on carrying out various special events throughout the year. They have also been of great assistance to our school “Family group days”.
At Christmas, our school spirit group decided to collect food for our local food banks. They worked hard at putting together boxes, making signs, and writing notes to raise awareness for their cause. They received an overwhelming response from the community and were able to donate over six hundred pounds of food to the Wetaskiwin Salvation Army Food Bank.
The students are also working on various fundraising activities to support their global cause; creating economic empowerment around the world. They are currently collecting spare change to begin the “change” they want to see in the world. This money will allow the purchase of goats for families in poverty-stricken countries. The goats will be used to produce much-needed milk to feed the families. It also provides an opportunity to sell the milk products to provide income for their families.
Gwynne School is proud of this small group and their service to others. In return, the school group is proud of their school community and its willingness to assist the less fortunate. Like one student said “it always feels good to pay it forward. “
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