In the last two weeks Griffith-Scott Middle School (GSMS) students were able to participate in two UNESCO events which included some First Nations traditions and a discussion of world fresh water supplies.
In the second week of March the GSMS students had the privilege of watching a world-class hoop dancer perform for the students and hear his inspirational words. They also had the opportunity to try their hands and feet at the art of hoop dancing which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
In the third week of March the GSMS students participated in a UNESCO schools video conference where they heard experts talk about both the world's freshwater supply and local issues that involve fresh water. Our students were able to ask questions about our local lakes and how algae blooms are affecting the water during certain summer months. We were also able to hear that other communities are facing water issues ranging from agricultural use to industrial use in petrochemical industry.
The Griffiths Scott Middle School students enjoyed stepping outside of the classrooms and learning about the larger world.
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