Family and Community Connections at Parkdale School

At Parkdale School we value the importance of family and community. The staff and the student leadership team look for opportunities to invite family and community members into our school to celebrate with us.

Over the course of the school year our Division One classes visit Seasons Retirement Home. The students go for visits during the holiday seasons in order to share with the residents. They will sing to the seniors and participate in activities that the staff facilitate. We value the time that is spent with Seasons Retirement Home.

The student leadership group planned and executed a Mother’s Day Tea on May 11th. The participation from our families far exceeded what we were expecting. The students were thrilled to have their family members join them for a visit at the school. Many of the students gave their family school tours. We had to open up many different areas of the school in order to fit all of the families that attended. The student leadership group not only donated their time they also  donated baked goods to serve all the visitors. They are planning a Father’s Day Tea in June.

In an effort to support our community, the Parents of Parkdale hosted their second annual Mother’s Day Market. We had local vendors come into the school for a day, baked goods and chili and bannock available for purchasing. The idea behind this fundraiser is to bring community into the school.

With family being so important at our school, the student leadership team is working with the Parents of Parkdale to put together a Parkdale School Family Cookbook. We are looking forward to sharing our recipes with our families and community. The process of putting this together will start the week of May 14th, so if you have recipe please do not hesitate to share it with the school.


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