Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools has been celebrating Education Week, this week May 5-9, with a variety of activities.
Particularly at Centennial School Education week has been extra special! Centennial School has always had a rich menu of activities for students and families to participate in during Education Week but this year they are revealing a time capsule which has been buried for 25 years.
Additional activities have also included the 10th annual Great Canadian Geography Challenge. It was a fantastic challenge requiring a tie-breaker round to decide the school champion. Congratulations to Rhyan Ross, who becomes Champion for the 3rd year in a row! On Wednesday May 7th, the Centennial Staff Team challenged each Grade to a game of soccer. It was a beautiful day to play outside, and all participants had fun! Students have a special book giveaway and an afternoon of games are planned for Thursday May 8th.
The highlight of the week will be Friday May 9th when the Centennial School Time Capsule is unearthed after 25 years. Students and staff from 25 years ago have been invited to Centennial School for this special occasion. A special assembly planned for the afternoon, following the time capsule unearthing will begin at 12:30 p.m. We hope you will be able to come and help us celebrate "Education Week".
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