Ecole Queen Elizabeth Junior High School Activites

As Ecole Queen Elizabeth Junior High is in the final year of its current formation, we thought it would be nice to give you a sampling of the events that occur throughout a year in a junior high school.

September starts out slow but then ramps up with students participating in cross country meets and the Terry Fox run.  October has students decorating pumpkins for the “Pumpkin Ball”, dressing up for Halloween, FNMI students making bannock taco’s for all students and staff and playing on the school volleyball team.  November includes the Remembrance Day ceremony and making snowmen after the big snowfall.  December is always the month where students get to enjoy the Christmas Dinner on the last day of classes as well as the band students putting on their Christmas concert for parents, grandparents, siblings and students.

January is a slow month as we all take time to recover from our holidays except for those students who work off the holidays by participating in on our school basketball team and all students look forward to the dance held at the end of January. February sees the students actively participate in our ski/snowboarding trips to Rabbit Hill.  March will see the students enjoying the new spring break at the end of March and April will see the Easter Bunny hide eggs around the school for students to find.  In May the students are hard at work preparing for the school track meet and enjoying the weather outside at lunch.  June approaches with the knowledge that the school year for one and all is winding down what with the final dance in June, Aboriginal Day events, final exams and one final awards ceremony.

If grade 9 students chose drama as an option many were wandering the school with bruises and gunshot wounds as they experimented with make-up.  Construction sees shields made, intarsia pictures, wood burning name plates, coin banks while food students cook up a storm of delicious odors that waft throughout the building.  Phys. Ed. students get to experience many activities throughout the year but I am sure that all students enjoyed last week when they got the opportunity to play wheelchair basketball.

Student Council is always busy planning events for the students such as Halloween activities to enjoy in the gym, selling pizza on Wednesdays, sundaes, Twin Day, pajama day and of course our school dances.





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