Coach Named to High School Sports Hall of Fame

Staff members throughout Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools dedicate time and effort into the area of coaching extracurricular sports.  Successful coaches model a commitment to building a strong team; also in order to coach a team successfully it takes commitment from many individuals to be successful; such as administration, involved parents and volunteers.  Teachers who take on the role of “Coach” show a commitment to building strong athletic programs and encourage athletic success. Great coaches model the way to earn the right, and the respect to lead through individual involvement and action.  Dreams do not become significant realities through the actions of a single person, enabling others by nurturing their abilities are what a great “coach” does.  Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools appreciates coaches and the commitment they make to ensure our students become the best they can be!

École Queen Elizabeth Junior High School vice-principal Chuck Hebert is no exception as he was recently named to the Alberta High School Sports Hall of Fame.  Mr. Hebert is passionate about sports; dedicated to the kids he works with and knows that coaches have a direct influence on players, their attitudes and athletic performance.

Mr. Hebert has exemplified his skills as a coach by encouraging athletes and instilling good values and work ethics. Encouraging the kids he works with creates an environment that is key to successful coaching and player performance. Students who are participating on a team he coaches also learn about discipline and commitment.  Mr. Hebert motivates his players toward teamwork by providing solid instruction, training and encouraging a fair environment that offers support through positive feedback. “You want kids to dedicate themselves and learn about discipline and commitment” stated Hebert.   

Congratulations Mr. Hebert on recently being inducted into the high school sports hall of fame.

 WRPS Coach Named to High School Sports Hall of Fame

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