Thanks to Wetaskiwin’s Encompass Credit Union for making it possible to bring together Drama 30 students and residents of Good Shepherd Lutheran Home together for an afternoon of laughter and time spent together. We are grateful for the opportunity that this gave us to bridge a gap between generations and for all to be able to experience time together in a fun way.
On Monday, June 19th, the WCHS’s Drama 30 class met at Good Shepherd Lutheran Home after lunch. We were surrounded by friendly and attentive staff and residents who were excited to share their stories. We started the afternoon by having “Speed Getting to Know You” sessions. In pairs, residents were able to interview, talk with and tell stories for a few minutes to Drama students before they were told to Switch and were given a new pair of drama students to interview. The sharing was phenomenal and the staff noted how good this activity was for residents.
After we did this activity, students entertained residents with Improvisational games like the Actor’s Nightmare, Classic Freeze and Freaky Hands Expert.
To end our day, we ate donuts and timbits while continuing to share and talk. Lastly, students did some watering of plants, tending to gardens and soaking up the sunshine.
Thanks to Encompass Credit Union, the residents at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Home were gifted: gardening tools, gloves, decorations for the garden, outdoor games, a solar powered light up bird bath, games and cards galore and some amazing time spent with many great young adults.