Board Strategic Direction - Decision


The Board of Trustees of Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools approved the Board Strategic Direction at its meeting on May 24, 2016.  The purpose of the strategic direction is to implement efficiencies across the Division, providing high quality learning opportunities while ensuring that the Division is financially sustainable. The core value of the strategic direction is to meet the needs of all WRPS students. 

In an earlier letter to parents and staff the Board indicated it was committed to a consultation process with parents, staff and community members that was transparent and accountable.  The first part of the consultation process was an online conversation in which participants were invited to share their thoughts and questions about the Proposed Strategic Direction.  The second part of the consultation was two open houses to discuss and gather more feedback about Proposed Strategic Direction.

The Board discussed all of the input received from stakeholders and approved five resolutions at the meeting today:

  • That the Board approves the grade reconfiguration specified in the Board Strategic Direction December 15, 2015 document and implement the changes effective September 1, 2017. CARRIED

  • That the Board designates Centennial, Norwood and Parkdale schools as Kindergarten to Grade Seven schools effective September 1, 2016.  CARRIED

  • That the Board retains the K – 6 and 7 – 9 grade configurations for French Immersion at Parkdale and Queen Elizabeth schools for the 2016 – 2017 school year. CARRIED
  • The Board directs administration to work with the staff and parents of Parkdale, Queen Elizabeth and C.B. McMurdo schools to achieve further efficiencies in the French Immersion and year-round programs.  This work would include examining ways to optimize the utilization of Queen Elizabeth School.  CARRIED

  • That the Board consult with school administration and parents who have students in Wetaskiwin Composite High School for the 2017 – 2018 school year to develop a vision of a new school community. CARRIED

    The Board would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who participated in this consultation.  The Board will continue to work with stakeholders during the transition year to effectively implement the Board Strategic Direction that is posted on the Division website.


    Barb Johnson, Chair
    Board of Trustees

Supporting Documents:
Letter to Parents RE: Decision May 24, 2016
Board Strategic Direction - Approved May 24, 2016
Media Release: RE: Decision

Parent Letter - Proposed Board Strategic Direction February 1, 2016 

Thought Exchange Conversation - Results

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