Board Meeting Highlights from the September 9, 2014 Regular Board Meeting.
Millet & Griffiths Scott School Mentorship Program;
Review of the Funding Distribution Model Postponed;
Board Policy Review;
WCHS Modernization Project;
Winfield Restoration Project Final Cost;
Millet & Griffiths Scott School Mentorship Program
The Millet and Griffiths – Scott schools will once again be offering a mentorship program for the 2014-2015 School year. The program matches up Griffith-Scott School students with Millet School students and helps students develop relationships outside their usual age or peer group in the school setting. Combining school work time assistance with a chance to eat lunch together and just “hang-out” helps the students involved feel successful at school. After running this program with much success last year, the schools are once again looking forward to another successful year. This year forty–four students are registered in the program.
Review of Funding Distribution Model Postponed
A comprehensive review of the Funding Distribution Model was to take place this fall in time for implementation in February or March when the Provincial Government announced its budget. Given the Board’s decision in May not to close the Pipestone and Lakedell schools the current Board Strategic Plan is no longer valid. The current FDM was designed to support the Board’s Strategic Education Plan which includes the Boards Strategic Facilities Plan and included the consideration of school closures over a five year period. The defeat of the motion to close both Pipestone and Lakedell schools calls into question the validity of the Strategic Facilities Plan and the implementation of a consistent level of programs and services. The review of the Funding Distribution model will be postponed until the Board establishes a new Strategic Direction.
Board Policy Review and Revision
The Board of Trustees reviewed Board Policy 6: Role of the Vice Chair; Policy 7: Board Operations and Policy 8: Committees of the Board. Revisions to Policy 7 and Policy 8 were required to accommodate the decision to hold two Board meetings per month commencing in the 2014-2015 School year. Further revision to Board Policy 7: Board Operations is required to reflect a rotation of the chair for the first Board meeting of the month. Board Policy 8: Committees of the Board was approved as amended.
WCHS Modernization Project
An Alberta Education Grant Agreement has been signed indicating that the total funding approved by Alberta Education for the WCHS Modernization project is $17,162,166. A cost estimate has been prepared by Workun Garrick, Architects for the construction portion of the project. However, in order to get the cost estimate to be within 5% of Alberta Education’s acceptable variance WRPS had to agree to cover some of the costs through the Infrastructure Maintenance Renewal (IMR) funding such as windows, doors and site work (CTS apron) these costs are estimated at $642,000. This will require that $642,000 of IMR funding will be re-assigned to WCHS from other school projects.
Winfield Restoration Project Final Cost
The Board received the final costing calculations from the insurance company regarding the Winfield School Restoration project. The entire cost totaled $1,517,835.49 including GST. Of this, WRPS was responsible for paying the deductible of $5,000 as well as $481,525.41 for pre-existing conditions that needed to be fixed. IMR funding will be used to cover costs totaling $486,525.41.
View: Board Meeting Highlights September 9, 2014
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