Board Meeting Highlights October 28, 2014

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Board Policy Review
The Board continues to review their policies and reviewed Board Policy 11: Board Delegation of Authority and Board Policy 12: Role of the Superintendent.

Wahkotowin Program to be Highlighted at ASBA Zone 4 Meeting
Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools will be hosting the November 24, 2014 ASBA Zone 4 meeting.  The host Board has an opportunity to showcase an accomplishment or an initiative to zone representatives.  The Board determined that it will highlight the Wahotokwin program and explain how it is impacting our students.

Central Office Closure
Christmas hours were approved for the Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools Central Office, Plant Facilities, Transportation and Technology offices.  The offices will be closed from December 24, 2015 - January 2, 2015 inclusive and will be open for regular business on January 5, 2015.

2015-2016 Calendar Consultation
Draft 2015-2016 school year calendars have been developed and will be distributed to stakeholders for consultation. Recommendations will be reviewed and taken into consideration.  The intent is to meet Alberta Education requirements, student learning needs and provide a standardized structure to the school year.

Three Year Strategic Education Plan and Results Report
The 2013 - 2014 Annual Education Results will be reviewed at the November 13, 2014 Regular Board meeting.  The Three Year Strategic Education Plan will be presented at the November 25, 2014 Regular Board Meeting.  

Maskwacis Cree Nation Seeks Representation on Wolf Creek Board of Trustees
The Board reviewed a copy of a letter to the Minister of Education from the chiefs of the Maskwacis Cree Nation requesting representation on the Wolf Creek School Board.  The Board noted that the letter stated that “Dr. Shauna Bruno’s presence on the Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools Board has been an invaluable aid to the families and students attending in the Wetaskiwin Regional Public School Division”.


View the Board Meeting Highlights October 28, 2014

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