Board Meeting Highlights March 25, 2014

Celebrating Excellence Board Chair Deanna Specht presented two Wetaskiwin Composite High School students with an award of $100 each.  It is the practice of the Board to award WRPS students who achieve 100% on diploma examinations with a $100 cheque in recognition of their accomplishment. The Board welcomed Pieyi Liang and her Math 30-1 teacher Ms. Kristi Allen to the Board meeting.  Pieyi Liang was awarded 100% on her Math 30-1 Diploma Exam in January.  Courtney Cook was awarded 100% on her Chemistry 30 January diploma examination, her teacher was Ms. Charlene McFeely.  

Instructional Material Fees Remain Unchanged for 2014-2015
The Board passed a resolution to not increase Instructional Material fees in 2014-2015.
The fees will remain as follows:  Grades K-6 $35; Grades 7-9 $50; Grades 10-12 $75.00.  Program fees will also remain unchanged for the 2014-2015 school year.

2014-2015 School Year Calendar
The Board approved the 2014-2015 school year calendars.  The calendar feedback from school councils, staff and community partners was considered prior to the Board making a decision to approve a calendar that contains 196 operational days.

Minister of Education Grant’s One Year Extension on Closure Of Schools Process The Board received confirmation from the Honourable Jeff Johnson, Minister of Education informing them that given the fact that decision on school closure for the Lakedell and Pipestone Schools will not be made until May 27, 2014 he realizes that this would create pressures related to proper preparation of the receiving school.  For these reasons he has granted an extension of one year in accordance with the Closure of School Regulation.  Therefore, should a vote on May 27, 2014 be in favor of school closure, the school closure date would be effective June 30, 2015. 

Summary of Public Consultations The Board has published a summary of the three public consultations that were held in the Lakedell, Pipestone and Falun school communities.  Additionally the Board has consulted with the staff from the three sites.  To view the summary documents visit:  The Board will be meeting in April to review all the information that has been gathered throughout the school closure process. 

View: Board Highlights March 25, 2014

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