Board Recognizes Pigeon Lake Regional Student for Outstanding Achievement
The Board of Trustees recognized Jolt Weirsma who was awarded 100% on his January 2015 Chemistry 30 exam. The Board also commended Mr. Aaron Weimer, a Pigeon Lake Regional School teacher who teaches Chemistry 30 on having a student achieve 100% on the diploma exam. Trustee George Ollenberger presented Jolt with a $100.00 cheque from the Board in recognition of his achievement.
Wetaskiwin Composite High School Student Wins BDC E-Spirit Leadership Award
Mrs. Gloria Rogers, WCHS Wahkotowin Worker nominated Kashes Potts for the BDC E-Spirit Leadership Award and was recently notified that he has won this award for his dedication to the BDC E-Spirit competition and his forward thinking when it comes to shaping his community and serving as a force for good.
Along with Kashes Potts, Bryce Cutarm, & Chris Soosay were also involved in working on this project. Mrs. Rogers stated “that she hopes Kashes will continue serving as a role model to fellow students and that he may one day be able to make this project a reality”.
CB McMurdo Staff to Attend August 31, 2015 Assessment Workshop
An adjustment to the CB McMurdo year round school calendar has been made to allow all CB McMurdo teaching staff the opportunity to attend and Assessment Workshop for teachers on August 31, 2015. The CB McMurdo School will be closed to students on August 31, 2015.
WRPS Transportation 2015-2016 Update
Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools will be reducing the overall number of school bus routes by three for the 2015-2016 school year due to two resignations and one retirement. A decline in the number of transported students has allowed us to redesign the routes in the three impacted attendance areas to be more efficient. These reductions will provide a cost saving to the Transportation budget of approximately $70,000.00.
View: Board Highlights June 9, 2015
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