Board Meeting Highlights April 29, 2014

Celebrating Excellence
The Pigeon Lake Regional School, had the honor of hosting the 3rdAnnual Student Leadership Conference on April 4, 2014. The day was filled with student led “thinking-outside-the-box” themed activities and fitness and nutrition breaks. The day finished with Mr. Jerry Saddleback Jr.’s powerful presentation about the importance of being an open and well-balanced leader. The entire conference was organized, set up and implemented by the student leaders.  It was an amazing day of learning. Pigeon Lake Regional School hosted students from fifteen Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools with over 320 students in attendance.

Regional Collaborative Service Delivery (RSCD) Funding Cuts
A letter has been forwarded to Premier Hancock expressing concern regarding funding issues for Alberta’s Regional Collaborative Service Delivery, which is a partnership mandated by the provincial government to provide cross-ministry services for a broad spectrum of students with special needs.  This partnership currently involves Alberta Education, Human Services and Health Services and works effectively in providing enhanced, integrated and comprehensive service to schools.  As a result of the new funding formula announced Central Alberta’s RCSD is facing a significant funding short fall.

Board Appoints Auditors for Five Year Term
Grant Thornton LLP has been appointed as the Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools auditor for the next five fiscal years ending August 31, 2018. 

2014-2015 Preliminary Budget Presentation
The Board received a preliminary presentation of the 2014-2015 Budget.  The decision was made to present the detailed budget at the May 13, 2014 Board Committees meeting, with a recommendation being brought forward to the May 27, 2014 Regular Board meeting.  The Board has also requested a presentation at the May 13, 2014 Board Committees meeting which would include a scenario of what the budget would look like if the decision is made to close Lakedell and Pipestone schools.

Three Year Capital Plan
Each year Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools is required to submit a Three Year Capital Plan to the Capital Planning department of Alberta Education. The Board determined that capital projects be identified for submission in the 2015-2018 Capital Plan but that the submission not be made until after the decision related to the closure of the Lakedell and Pipestone schools is made as this decision will determine which projects should be added.

Board Appreciation and Recognition Evening
The Annual Board recognition night will be held on May 9, 2014 at the Wetaskiwin Memorial Centre. This year the Board will recognize service award recipients who are eligible for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 & 45 years of service.  As well the Board will be presenting awards in the following categories.  Edwin Parr First Year Teacher Nominations, Community Recognition Award, Excellence in Teaching nominations, Provincial Coaching awards as well as recognizing our 2014 retirees.

View: Board Meeting Highlights April 29, 2014

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