Wetaskiwin Composite High School Students Celebrate Excellence
Three Wetaskiwin Composite High School students attended SHAD this past summer. SHAD is a registered Canadian charity that empowers exceptional students, at a pivotal point in their education to recognize their capabilities and envision their extraordinary potential as tomorrow’s leaders and change makers. The month long summer in residence program at one of 13 Canadian host universities focus on science, technology, engineering and math. The WCHS students were 3 of 600 to attend across Canada and Internationally. Keiran Mastel, Karlee Podritske and Jaslyn Rasmuson provided the Board with a synopsis of their experience with SHAD over the summer.
Green Certificates have been awarded to two WCHS students Emily Rumak and Jill Wilkins who both earned their Green Certificates as Equine Technicians. The Green Certificate program was initiated by Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. Programs of study allow students to earn Level 1 Technician status that is recognized by Alberta Agriculture and Agribusiness. Students earn 16 high school credits towards their high school diploma.
The Board also congratulated Sam Broadbent who achieved 100% on his June Chemistry 30 Diploma examination; as well as Alex Toohey who achieved 100% on his June Math 30-1 Diploma examination. Both these students have moved on to post-secondary studies. Congratulatory letters and cheques for $100.00 were mailed to both students.
Wahkotowin Report Evaluation
The Associate Superintendent of Instruction Mr. Brian Taje provided the Board with information on the evaluation of services and programs implemented as a result of recommendations contained in the Wahkotowin Report. The Report recorded input from parents and members of the community on how WRPS could improve programs and services to ensure the academic success of our First Nations, Metis, and Inuit students. As part of this review the effectiveness of the role of the Wahkotowin Liaisons will be reviewed.
Board Policy 6: Role of the Vice Chair
The Board voted to amend Board Policy 6: Role of the Vice Chair by expanding the role to include that the Vice-Chair will lead the Board in the development, implementation and evaluation of the Board Advocacy Plan.
School Community Health Education Partnership (SCHEP) Marks 20 Years
SCHEP will mark 20 years of collaboration between Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools and Alberta Health Services. Their mandate is to promote student health and wellness through a Comprehensive School Health model. Building a strong partnership with AHS has been foundational to the success of the partnership. SCHEP boasts one of the longest standing partnerships across the province. The Board decided to work with the SCHEP committee to develop a proposal to plan a celebratory event in recognition of this 20 year partnership.
Occupational Health and Safety
Health and safety of Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools students, staff, parents, volunteers and contractors is of prime importance. It is critical that a culture be developed that promotes and encourages injury prevention and the development of effective workplace health, safety and disability management systems. Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools is working on completing a Certificate of Recognition (COR) audit by the end of December 2015.
View: Board Meeting Highlights September 22, 2015
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