Audited Financial Statements 2013-2014
Representatives from Grant Thornton LLP were in attendance to present the Audited Financial Statements and in their opinion the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools (WRPS)as at August 31, 2014. The Board of Trustees passed a motion approving the 2013-2014 Audited Financial Statements as presented.
- WRPS’ 2013-2014 annual operating deficit was $1,582,709
- Decrease in Alberta Education allocated revenues of $636,422 compared to 2012-2013.
- Increase in expenses over the 2012-2013 school year of $3,703,099. This increase includes $1,517,836 related to the Winfield School Water Damage Restoration, of which $510,816 was paid for using Infrastructure Maintenance Renewal Funding and the balance of $1,007,020 was covered by insurance proceeds.
- Overall costs to educate 3,788 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) students was $55,094,256 with 76.37% of expenses were incurred in Instruction and educational related programming, 14.19% in Plant Operations & Maintenance, 5.14% in Transportation, 4.15% in Board & System Administration and 0.15% in external programs.
2014-2015 Board Reserves
The Board of Trustees approved the 2014-2015 Operating Reserves totaling $4,799,698. Board operating reserves have decreased by $1,725,233 and include $616,551 of school generated funds that are not available for board operations.
Revised 2014-2015 Budget
The Associate Superintendent, Business presented the 2014-2015 Fall Revised Budget. The Board’s 2013-2014 Approved Budget, which was submitted to Alberta Education in May 2014, has been revised to include revenues generated by actual September 30, 2014 enrolments and actual staffing FTE in place as at October 2014.
Some highlights include:
- Enrolment increased by 0.04% to 3,803.50 FTE
- Staffing increased by 1.5% FTE
- 11 schools are projecting to spend down their 2014-2015 operating reserves, 4 schools are projecting to increase their 2014-2015 operating reserves and 3 schools required additional subsidy over and above their funding allocations, as defined by the WRPS Funding Distribution Manual in order to cover their 2014-2015 operating costs.
- Board & System Administration costs increased by 0.09% but are $354,000 under the allowable expenditure limit as defined by Alberta Education.
- Plant Operations & Maintenance is projected a deficit of $836,979. Over the past three years operational funding has decreased by $900,000 due to funding formula adjustments, while operating costs such as insurance has increased 70.1% and utilities have increased 11.27%.
Three Year Strategic Education Plan and Annual Results Report
The Board approved the Division’s 2013-14 Annual Education Results Report and the 2014-2017 Three Year Education Plan as presented by Associate Superintendent, Instruction Brian Taje. These reports are posted on our website: 3 Year Strategic Education Plan 2014-2017 & Annual Results Resport 2013-2014.
Based on achievement and performance results, as well as student engagement feedback, the overall impression is schools are continuing to improve the academic success of all students and enhance the success of First Nations students.
Early Child Development Mapping Project
The Early Child Development Mapping Project collected results from more than 70,200 kindergarten-aged children over a five-year period (2009 to 2013) across the province. The results were analyzed at the provincial and community levels. The summary shows the following. About half (or 46.4 per cent) of Alberta's kindergarten-aged children are developing appropriately in all of the five areas of development that were measured. All WRPS kindergartens (including the private ECS at Winfield in the first year of data collection) participated in 2010, 2011 & 2012. WRPS completed 3 years of data collection. This provided more in depth data for our smaller jurisdiction. EDI results show that 30 – 35 % of WRPS children are experiencing great difficulty in 4 of the 5 areas of development and 25% are experiencing great difficulty in the fifth area. 38% of WRPS children are developing appropriately in all 5 areas of development compared to 46% of children in Alberta.
View: Board Meeting Highlights November 25, 2014
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