Board Highlights June 23, 2015

Cross Boundary Transportation Request
The Board of Trustees determined that they will adhere to current Board Policies and Administrative Procedures regarding a parent request for cross boundary transportation. The Board reviewed the information on the current boundary, impact on school bus routes, financial impact and funding implications that would be the result of granting the cross boundary transportation request and decided to adhere to the current policies and procedures.  The Board is going to undergo a major efficiency study beginning in the fall of 2015, which will include a review of all school attendance boundaries.

WRPS Approves Budget for 2015-2016
Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools approved the 2015-2016 budget.  WRPS was predicting a $2.9 million operating deficit but needed to submit a balanced budget to the province by the end of June. To achieve a balanced budget in 2015-2016 the Board increased teaching staff by 2.5 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE), and eliminated 40.5 support staff positions. As part of this budget the Board approved a reduction in expenditures on services, contracts and fees; a reduction in Career Technology Studies expenditures; a reduction in the French Immersion subsidy; a reduction in the Wahkohtowin expenditures; and a reduction in Governance and Administration expenditures. WRPS is still predicting a $680,000 deficit for the 2015-16 school year.

The Board approved the 2015-2016 budget as presented but will conduct an efficiency study over the next year which will look at everything in the school division from busing to school boundaries and everything it takes to operate schools and the division in order to achieve a balanced budget for the 2016-2017 school year.

View: 2015-2016 Approved Budget
         How is each $1 of Government Funding Spent?

Rosebrier School Building and Land Deemed Surplus to Board’s Needs

The Board of Trustees has begun the process for disposal of the Rosebrier School property.  At the June 23, 2015 meeting the Board passed a resolution to deem the Rosebrier School building and land surplus to its needs.  This declaration will not take effect until the resolution is approved by the Minister of Education.  After receiving approval of the Minister the Board will decide on the method for sale of the property.

View: Board Meeting Highlights June 23, 2015

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