Board Highlights January 13, 2015

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School Generated Funds Presentation
The Board reviewed a presentation on School Generated Funds and Fundraising.  This detailed presentation was developed to inform our School Councils and Fund Raising entities of the processes and legal requirements for School Council’s and school Fund Raising groups.  This presentation will be made available to School Council’s and Fund Raising treasurers ‘at the January 28, 2015 Council of School Council meeting which will be held at 7:00 p.m. in the Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools Board Room 5515-47A Avenue, Wetaskiwin.

Board Policy Review
Policies reviewed:

Policy 15: School Closure
Policy 16: Student Transportation

Transportation Department Update
2014-2015 Transportation report highlights include the following:

  • Transportation budget was balanced.
  • The Transportation Department balanced the budget by eliminating bus routes:
    • In the Lakedell area combined a regular route with a special education route by using a regular yellow school bus with a wheelchair lift.
    • In the Falun area eliminated a shorter (80 km) bus route and re-routed another bus so student ride times were more equalized.
    • In the Clear Vista School area a driver retired which provided the opportunity to re-route the area west of Wetaskiwin that provided more efficient ride times for many students.
  • Even though the urban ridership has increased the funding from Alberta Education for urban riders is significantly less compared to rural riders. The result is less revenue is available to operate transportation services to the same demographic area.
  • The declining enrollment in the rural areas continues to be the most challenging issue.  Since 2007 WRPS has eliminated twelve regular rural school bus routes and two rural special education routes.
  • WRPS continues to run 3 urban regular routes and 3 urban special education routes.
  • In 2014-2015 six students are picked up at the earliest rural pickup time which is 6:55 a.m.
  • Contractors have not received an increase in three school years; however some changes were made to their contract that allows them to remain profitable. 
    • One change was the addition of a fuel escalator clause.
    • In the past Alberta Education provided a fuel incentive.  This incentive was eliminated in April of 2013, which reduced revenue by approximately $200,000.00.  
    • Bus drivers ‘contracts were changed so they are not deducted the daily rate for inclement weather.  

Baragar Software
Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools now has a new program that will assist Trustees and administration in doing strategic planning.  The software is based on accurate data that provides a comprehensive picture of the Division.  The software includes theme maps, staff allocate, geo school and demographic dynamics. 

View: Board Highlights January 13, 2015

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