Board Advocacy Plan
The Board of Trustees adopted the Board Advocacy Plan. The purpose of the plan is to advocate for a public education system that meets the needs of all students in Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools. The plan’s major goal is to advocate for a properly funded public education system that provides the programs and services that meet the needs of all students in Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools.
Educational Services
The delivery of educational services endeavors to meet the need of all students. The division meets these needs by offering a variety of supports. These include system programs as well as supporting students with special needs through Learning Support Teachers (LST), Learning Teams, Teacher Assistants, Family School Liaison Workers, FNMI Workers, TRY Coaches, Regional Collaborative Service Delivery, Contracted Services and Interagency planning. WRPS has also implemented a pyramid of intervention in each of our schools with the assistance of our Learning Support Teachers.
Financial Statements to December 31, 2014
The Board reviewed the financial statements to December 31, 2014.
Administrative Procedure 411 Employee Recognition and Exemplary Achievement
A revision to Administrative Procedure 411 Employee Recognition and Exemplary Achievement has been made. Section 17: Retirement - 17.2 now reads:
Retirement is defined as an employee who has a minimum 10 years of service with the Division and has notified us in writing of their intention to retire.
View: Board Meeting Highlights February 10, 2015