Teacher Employer Bargaining Association Appointment
Bill 8 created the Teacher’ Employer Bargaining Association to collectively negotiate with the Alberta Teachers’ Association. School Boards were directed to appoint one trustee to the Teachers’ Employer Bargaining Association by January 31, 2015. Board Chair Barb Johnson has been appointed as the Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools representative.
Food For Kids Committee
In 2013 a joint committee was established in response to needs identified by schools, the SCHEP (School Community Health Education Partnership) established the Food For Kids Committee to help schools feed hungry students. Operating since 2013, the Food for Kids Committee is chaired by the Boys & Girls Club, represented by 4 professionals from Alberta Health Services (AHS), 3 administrators from Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools as well as the Hope Mission staff.
A significant number of WRPS students are reporting they are hungry every day. The child who doesn’t have enough to eat isn’t going to do as well in school. They are likely to be sick more often and therefore less likely to graduate from high school and go on to college, resulting in a negative impact on his/her economic future. If this continues 20 years from now he/she is much less likely to be able to earn enough to feed his/her family. The Hope Mission partnership is now providing 15,000 emergency lunches per school year in 14 of our schools. The committee continues to work on finding more resources to feed hungry kids.
Partnerships in Injury Reduction – Certificate of Recognition
Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools has been awarded a Certificate of Recognition (COR) from the Alberta Association for Safety Partnerships, by developing and implementing an occupational health and safety program and meeting the standard of partnership through an independent evaluation of our health and safety program. The purpose of participating in the audit was to evaluate how WRPS health and safety management system compares to this standard while determining any internal improvements that could be made. Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools will be creating and implementing an action plan based on the findings in the report. As a result of achieving this Certificate of Recognition the Partnerships in Injury Reduction Program at Workers Compensation provided us with a refund of $20,140.57.
Christmas Closure
The Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools Central Office will be closed for Christmas from 4:30 p.m. on December 23, 2015 to 8:30 a.m. on January 4, 2016.
Board Meeting Highlights December 15, 2015
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