Bedtime Stories and Art at Millet School

Families gathered in Millet School gym to share an evening of good stories, cookies and milk on Wednesday, April 29.  The gym was full of families snuggled on cozy blankets and quilts surrounded by good books.  Homemade cookies and cold milk donated and served by Millet school staff was the ideal bedtime snack as children and parents settled in for story time.  The evening began with Mrs. Coleman reading a story to everyone.  After that families had time to share some of their favorite stories together.  Some families chose to read some special books from our Read and Remember collection which was gathered in September 2014 in honour of Mrs. Sharon Saunders.

The highlight of the evening occurred after story time when this year’s Artist in Residence project was unveiled.  The mosaic mural is made up of hundreds of individual tiles which were painted by the students and staff of Millet School in March.   A sense of amazement, joy and a few tears were evident as the audience gazed upon a beautiful image of a dark haired lady wearing glasses reading a book to a group of children.  This project was in honour of Mrs. Sharon Saunders.  Sharon’s love of teaching and sharing good literature with her students was remembered as students, families and staff members gathered around the mural.  We were happy to share the special evening with some of Sharon’s family members. The mural will be placed in the Millet School library and Sharon’s memory will live on by all students, families and staff members who were so fortunate to have her as a Kindergarten teacher, colleague and friend.

The Artist in Residence project was funded by the Alberta Foundation for the Arts and Millet School Advisory Council.  Through their generous support the students of Millet School have had the opportunity to experience the arts throughout a variety of projects over the years.   Thank you to our artists from Mural Mosaic who worked with students and staff members to create this special project to help us remember a very special lady, Mrs. Saunders. 

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