Beading Blurb

This year, at Buck Mountain Central, two of our Indigenous students started a beading club after school once per week that extended to anyone in the school who would like to join. Once this got rolling, the girls approached staff to ask if they could make beading one of the options for our FLEX block. The girls did all the planning and preparation for beading to take place in FLEX. They chose the projects students could pick from.  Two staff members, along with the girls, went shopping in Edmonton at a flea market to choose supplies for these projects.

They surveyed the school population and had over thirty students sign up. Due to the popularity of this FLEX opportunity, students had to be split into two groups to accommodate the numbers. Good Job Girls!!  One of the girls arranged for her kokum to come to school before the first flex beading session took place to do the teaching around beading and share what the meaning of all the colours meant.

The projects are going well and we think this may be one of the popular choices for next year thanks to the initiatives of two Buck Mountain students!

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