Alder Flats Student's Take Part in Our Community

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Grade one students at Alder Flats Elementary turned theory into practice during their educational unit on “Taking Part in Our Community”.    Through the decision making process the students decided to raise money to help sick children by supporting the Stollery’s Hospital in Edmonton.  This institution helps children and families from many communities including Alder Flats. 

The Grade One students asked local residents and other students to donate bottles and cans to their cause.  The local bottle depot set aside targeted return bins to help out.  Students helped by creating and putting up posters and asking their friends, family and neighbors.  The school also donated their bottles.  The students collected and sorted the bottles from all the classrooms each day after last recess.  After collecting and sorting the bottles, the students carried the bottles out to a truck that would deliver them to the local bottle depot.

The students raised $318.75 for the Stollery.   The students felt proud that they are making a difference in our community by helping sick children.  It is great to see learning outcomes come to life and benefit members of the local and wider communities.  Great work students!

AF Charity Bottle Drive

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