Alberta Education Minister David Eggen & MLA Bruce Hinkley Visit WRPS

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On April 11, 2017, Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools' Board of Trustees welcomed Alberta Education Minister David Eggen and staff to their Regular Board Meeting.

Minister Eggen engaged with the Board on a variety of topics including the School Act and the proposed Education Act, the impact of the Climate Leadership Plan on our division, Alberta Education's Curriculum Review process, Alberta Education's Nutrition Pilot Project and the positive affect of that in school divisions across Alberta, and potential results that may come out of Bill 1: An Act to Reduce School Fees on our school division.

Subsequent to the Board visit, Minister Eggen and MLA Bruce Hinkley received a hands-on experience with the Nutrition Pilot Program at Ecole Parkdale School. Staff and students at the school provided insight on food preparation by Hope Mission, the volume of lunches prepared daily by school staff and a parent volunteer -- approx 115 lunches each day--, and the encouraging results seen by staff in the areas of more focused students, positive learning attitudes, and increased attendance. This was followed by a school tour with staff and students of Ecole Parkdale School.

An exciting day to be at WRPS!


For more information:

Wetaskiwin Times Article: "Funding for School Lunch Programs Expanded"

Wetaskiwin Times Article: "Food security aids in academic successes"

Wetaskiwin Times Article: "Education Minister in town to listen to trustees"

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