Board Meeting Highlights September 24, 2019

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Transportation Appeal

A delegation from Mulhurst Estates attended the meeting to appeal a decision of administration to establish a central bus stop in the subdivision.  Affected parents presented their safety concerns to the Board and questioned why door to door service was changed.  Concerns included no sidewalks, narrow roads, no streetlights, congestion at the chosen stop and safety throughout the winter months. 

The Board reviewed the information and determined that door to door service will be reinstated for the 2019 - 2020 school year and further exploration will be considered to determine if a compromise can be obtained.

Alder Flats School Celebrate Strong 2018-2019 Provincial Achievement Test Results

Alder Flats School Administration and Teachers are celebrating the exceptional results achieved by their students who wrote the grade 6 Provincial Achievements Tests in June of 2019.  All students from Alder Flats School achieved the acceptable standard for English Language Arts with 4 of the 19 who wrote achieving the Standard of Excellence.   Additionally, 16 students achieved the acceptable standard for Math with 4 achieving the Standard of Excellence.  Both the English Language Arts and Math Provincial Achievement results are on par with the provincial rate.  The 2019 results are a vast improvement in participation as well. 

Congratulations to the students and staff who are dedicated to “Inspiring students to become the best they can be.”

Trustee School Visits

Trustees will once again be visiting schools and will continue to use the focus school visit format that was used in 2018-2019. Last year focus school visits were completed in the K-6 schools this year it will be the K-8 schools. Trustee look forward to this opportunity to visit schools.

Board Meeting Highlights September 24, 2019

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